Financial Information

The conduct of the Parish Council’s financial affairs is governed by our Financial Regulations.

These Cover:
Role and responsibilities of the Parish Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) 
Annual Budgets 
Budgetary Control 
Accounting and Audit 
Banking Arrangements and Procedures 
Payment of Accounts 
Payment of Salaries 
VAT returns
Reviewing tenders
Monitoring income 
Investments and Loans
Ordering Procedures 
Guidance on Reserves 
Periodic Revision of Financial Regulations
Managing grant funding.

The precept is set by the Parish Council but collected from residents through council tax payments from Reigate and Banstead Borough Council.

The Parish Council has not made large precept increases for the last three years so in December 2023, Councillors agreed to increase the precept for 2024/25 to £46,664 to cover all the costs for running the Parish Council which have increased. 

This means a Band D average house hold pays £32.10 which is £2.38 per annum increase = 20p per month compared to the previous financial year. Councillors recognise this is an 8% precept increase but our reserves are allocated for specific purposes. 

The Parish Council has lots of plans for the environment, village hall, recreation, health and wellbeing and long-term plans for a parish centre. We need to keep high reserves for planning and aviation matters as we continue to protect our villages.

Each year the Parish Council sets an approved budget and this is closely monitored throughout the year.

The Parish Council receives Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding from new residential and retail development in the parish. Click on link below to review how we have spent the funding received to date: - 


Payments Information

Payments made


Parish Council Accounts 


Village Hall Accounts 

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