2021 Planning Information

Archived Documents: 

2021 planning COMMENTS

Picketts Lane Public Inquiry

The PI was held on 14 September it was agreed between R&BBC and the appellants that the appellants would agree to a temporary, 5-year consent, personal to the occupants and the appellants would drop their case for a Lawful Development Certificate which was put to the Inspector. This means the effect will be to allow a static home, a tourer and day room on each of the 6 plots albeit with the details to be submitted for approval. At the site visit on the second day this already appeared to be the case with the exception of perhaps 1 day room being absent. The site is not envisaged to change significantly from what is there currently.  In 5 years the land should be returned to its previous state but if it is not, R&BBC could serve a breach of condition notice which goes straight to court rather than needing to serve an enforcement notice which can be appealed.


On 14 September 2021 SCC issued an Enforcement Notice alleging a breach of planning control in a change of use of the land to a sui generis use, involving the unauthorised importation, deposit and disposal of waste soils and soils, the unauthorised importation, deposit, disposal and burial of non-soil waste resulting in the raising of land levels and the unauthorised importation, deposit and disposal by burning of timber, green waste and mixed waste building materials.

The notice is to: - 
  • Stop the importation and burying of imported waste materials, waste soils and soils and to stop all importation, deposit and disposal by burning of timber, green waste and mixed waste building materials on the land.
  • Remove from the land all mixed waste comprising timber, green waste and all other combustible materials, all waste that has been buried on the land and all imported waste soils and soil in order that the original land levels are reinstated.
  • Clear the perimeter drainage ditches on the land of any waste by hand where feasible and remove the resulting material from the land.
  • Reinstate the land to a condition suitable for agriculture by ploughing, picking, harrowing and seeding it with a Weald Native Origin Seed Weald grassland mix.
The Enforcement Notice takes effect on 20 October 2021 unless appealed before this date.
Parish Councillors are working with SCC, R&BBC, the local Police and the Environmental Agency to try every avenue to have these works stopped.

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